A trip to Moravia

From Tuesday, June 4th to Friday, June 7th, our school organized an educational trip to Moravia, where we visited several companies. On the first day, we stopped by the SOR company in Libchavy. There, we received a detailed explanation of buses manufacturing, from the metal frameworks to the completed, ready to serve vehicles. Then we headed to the Štramberk camp. After arriving at the camp we had settled into our cabins and used the local sports areas, we were playing various ball games daily until our last day.

The next day, we toured the large SIEMENS company, which is known for producing electric motors. After the tour we had some free time to explore Mohelnice, where the company is located. In the evening we visited the nearby Štramberská Trúba, from which we could see beautiful view, even our camp.

On the following day we visited the Tatra Museum in Kopřivnice. After the museum tour we hiked up Radhošť in the Beskydy Mountains. Some of us took the cable car, while the rest was hiking up to the very top on foot. At the top we took a group photo by the statue of Radegast before going back to the mountain foot. That evening was our last at the camp. We were enjoying a campfire, some of us were roasting sausages and meat.

On the final day of our trip, we left the camp and headed straight to Brno, for the last tour of the SAB Aerospace company, which specializes in developing satellites for the ESA project, the European equivalent of NASA. After a fascinating lecture about space explorations and technologies, we formed groups of "engineers" and built our own mini-satellites from the Merkur construction kit, right next to a hermetically sealed room where real satellites are constructed.

The trip was highly engaging because the companies we visited were related to our fields of study, and we also enjoyed hiking. I believe it also improved relationships between classes and teachers. Overall, it was a fantastic experience, which left us with wonderful memories, I can confidently say that everyone would agree with me.


Ivan Khudiakov, E3.K

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